
Dua and its Importance in Islam

Dua is an Arabic word that, in the context of the Islamic worship system, literally means to call someone. The phrase "dua" refers to a circumstance i

Value and Importance of Dua.

Dua is an Arabic word that, in the context of the Islamic worship system, literally means to call someone. The phrase "dua" refers to a circumstance in which someone asks Allah Almighty for anything. Dua is like a discussion with Allah Almighty in which we lay our demands before Him and beg for His assistance in finding solutions to our issues, therefore in this sense, dua is highly significant in the lives of Muslims. In addition to expressing our needs to Allah Ta'ala, dua is also a form of worship. 

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, described the Dua as the essence of worship in one of the Hadiths. The Holy Quran also has several passages that discuss the significance of dua. Verse 186 of Surah al-Baqara says the following:  

You respond to my servants' questions regarding me by saying that I am in fact closer to them. I answer the supplicant's call whenever he makes it.

 This verse indicates that regardless of how big or small a problem may be, we should always make dua for its resolution. The biggest issue imaginable is nothing to Allah Almighty.

Suggestion for Creating Dua.

In the words of the Prophet (saw), 

Du'a is worship itself. 

The Prophet (saw) then delivered the following verse: 

Your Lord says: Call upon Me, and I will answer you.

The Noble Qur'an states in verse 40:60 that those who reject My worship shall enter Hell in humiliation. [Tirmidhi]

How Ought we to Become Ready for Du'a?

Thank God, Allah is always available for prayer. Du'a can be recited immediately after waking up or as you are drifting off to sleep, in public or privately, as a conscious choice or as an automatic response to adversity. Additionally, you can offer du'a in any language and for any desire or need (as long as you are not asking for something sinful or wishing harm on others).

However, there is a lovely protocol (adab) to performing du'a that, in the name of Allah, will intellectually and spiritually prepare you for this important worship.

1. Execute Wudu.

It is NOT required to make wudu before offering du'a. However, making wudu is a way to purify yourself and prepare your thoughts for conversing with Allah.

After the Battle of Hunain, the Prophet (S.A.W) requested water, offered wudu, and then exclaimed, 

O Allah!" according to Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari (R.A). Please pardon Ubaid Abi Amir. [Bukhari]

2. Turn to the Qiblah.

Once more, facing the Qiblah when making du'a is NOT required. However, as noted in the following narrative, the Prophet (saw) would occasionally do so.

According to Abdullah bin Zaid (R.A), "Allah's Messenger (S.A.W) went outside to this Musalla (prayer location) to offer the Istisqa prayer" (a prayer for rain). He turned his cloak inside out while facing the Qiblah and prayed to Allah for rain. [Bukhari]

3. Show your hands.

SubhanAllah, making du'a with our hands raised is a Sunnah with such a lovely intention behind it! We urge you to keep in mind the following hadith each time you lift your hands in prayer.

The Prophet (saw) declared, 

Your Lord is Shy and Most Generous. Blessed and Almighty is He. When His servant asks Him (in du'a) to send them away empty, He is timid (Abdul Dawud).

4: Make a low-Pitched Prayer to Allah.

When the Prophet (saw) and his companions were travelling, Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari (ra) stated, 

We used to say Takbir anytime we ascended a high place (in a loud voice). 

 Prophet (S.A.W) Proclaimed that:

O people!". Be nice to yourself because you are pleading with the All-Hearing, All-Seeing and not a deaf or absent person. [Bukhari]. 

The hadith mentioned above is a lovely reminder that when we are praying in private, Allah is always nearby and we don't need to be loud.

It’s best not to disturb anyone when we are making du'a in a masjid, as this rule also applies to our private spaces. There are many occasions when we become emotional and begin to cry - and the Prophet (S.A.W) used to cry during du'a, but we must be careful to speak in a quiet tone while doing so.

In conclusion, performing wudu, facing the Qiblah, raising your hands, and invoking your Lord in a hushed voice are the greatest ways to become ready for du'a.

Advantages of Offering Dua.

Making Dua has a number of advantages. Here are some of these advantages explained.

1.     1.The conceit disappears: Making Dua will help us get rid of our internal arrogance, which is one of its many advantages. This is because when we perform dua and present our issues to Allah Ta'ala, we come to understand that He is the one who created both ourselves and the entire universe. Since He is greater than us and does not tolerate arrogance, we should also not even have the slightest trace of it in our hearts. And the Dua is what purges the arrogant qualities from our hearts.

2.       2. Every one of our duas is accepted: It's common for people to believe that their dua has been rejected, yet this is inaccurate. This is so because Allah, the Most High, is aware of what is best for us. Sometimes we believe that something is better for us, but Allah knows that it is not. As a result, He fulfils our requests and adds them to the list of our good actions while also giving us what is best for us. Sometimes, our requests are granted, but Allah knows when it is best to grant our requests, therefore He always grants them at the appropriate time.

3.       3. When we perform dua, Allah Almighty opens the doors of His mercy for us, and He enjoys it when His slaves do so and bestows His mercy on them.

In a nutshell, Dua is extremely powerful and important. As a result, Muslims should always make dua to ask Allah (SWT) for help and mercy in resolving their issues.