
What is Sunnah and 10 Important Sunnah's of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Everything the Prophet said, did, or admitted is referred to as the Sunnah (SAW). Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), whose entire life i

What is the Sunnah?

Everything the Prophet said, did, or admitted is referred to as the Sunnah (SAW). Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), whose entire life is recorded in his Sunnah, is the object of their real love. Following Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the true way that results in ultimate fulfilment since he is the living embodiment of the Quran. Knowing and attempting to follow the Prophet's (SAW) Sunnah is of utmost importance if we are to succeed in both the hereafter and the hereafter.

It is crucial to confront those who disseminate misinformation by downplaying the significance of the Sunnah and insisting that one only needs to abide by the Quran. In actuality, such aberrant ideas are disproved by the Quran itself. Islam's supreme fundamental text, the Noble Quran, commands us to obey and conduct ourselves in accordance with the Sunnah.

Believers are commanded to obey both Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) in Surah An-Nisa. Following and upholding the Sunnah, which is Muhammad's (PBUH) style of life, is the proper method to obey the Prophet (PBUH). Those who disagree with the Prophet's (PBUH) order are cautioned in Surah An-Nur that they would face a trial or a harsh penalty.

10 most Important Sunnah's of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

There are several instances of the Sunnah that we live by every day.

1. Exclaim "Bismillah"

Before putting on clothes or drinking water, Muslims should always recite Bismillah. Bismillah is an Arabic phrase that translates to "in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."

When you say Bismillah, you declare that your actions are in accordance with God's will. It might also serve as a conscious reminder that Allah is the source of both your Rizq and the water you're drinking.

2. Get to Bed and Get Up Early.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reportedly went to bed after Isha and rose up far before dawn on a regular basis. The Prophet of Allah detested talking after the Isha prayer and napping before it, according to Abu Barzah (RTA). (Muslim).

Scientific Evidence According to modern research, the body's organs detoxify itself during night. A person should finish their day's job after 9 p.m. and be in deep sleep from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. for the best detoxification.

3. Miswak Use (At Least Once a Day)

A massive component of our faith is cleanliness. Nobody enjoys being seated next to someone whose breath has that death-like odor. Here, it's important to use Miswak to clean your teeth as well. It's surprising how frequently the Prophet (S.A.W.) used to wipe his mouth. He used Miswak before every Salah, before going to bed, after waking up, and after eating meals.

Since Miswak was such a significant component of our Prophet's (S.A.W.) daily routine, even doing it just once a day (for a minute) would bring us closer to his Sunnah.

Allah's Messenger (S.A.W.) is reported to have remarked, 

If it weren't that it would be difficult for my nation, then I would have instructed them to use the Miswak for each prayer," according to Abu Huraira (R.A.). (Tirmidhi)

4. The Sunnah of Smile.

It's been said that Rasulallah (S.A.W) had a smile on his face quite frequently. Rasulallah (S.A.W) had the biggest smiles, according to at-Tirmidhi. If a person has a smile on his face, he will feel happy, and if he has a scowl, he will feel angrier. This is because a person's facial expressions reflect his feelings.

Rasulallah (S.A.W) advises people to smile since doing so is seen as a charitable deed (at-Tirmidhi).

5. Hair Oiling.

Many of us do not realise that the act of lubricating is a component of the sunnah. Regular hair oiling strengthens hair protein, which promotes strong, glossy hair and stops hair loss and greying.

This hadith illustrates how the Prophet's sunnah covers every facet of life by alluding to the idea of using oil to hide grey hairs.

6. Sit Down When Eating And Drinking.

Muslim men and women must sit down to eat and drink. Due to these Sunnah customs, Muslims will be urged to eat more mindfully and gently. Muslims who eat thoughtfully avoid being exhausted because of their large stomachs. Additionally, it reduces the likelihood of choking and harmful rates of food and drink consumption.

Muslims are also advised to eat and drink with their right hand. It's better to take three breaths between sips of water than to drink it all at once. Muslims are also advised to have meals together as a family. The Prophet (S.A.W) stressed the importance of families eating meals together while establishing ties.

7. Upholding the Rules of Eating.

The Holy Prophet established the norm of 1/3 when eating. You follow the guideline and don't eat too much, and the meals are balanced. Everyone must routinely follow this Sunnah and make meal plans in accordance with it. It is also essential that we eat appropriately, not less than we need.

8. Be Effective Or Be Quiet.

If a person who believes in Allah and the Hereafter witnesses anything, they should either speak politely about it or remain silent. [Muslim].

Without realizing it, we could find ourselves talking about things that aren't relevant to us or don't really affect us. Even while we can converse for hours on end and even engage in gossip, neither of these activities advance our knowledge or offer any form of advantage. The appeal of this Sunnah is that it would allow us to focus our time and energy on activities that could actually provide meaning to our lives.

9. Performing a Hijama (Cupping)

Regularly, the Prophet would be cupped. Many nations have adopted this method of treatment throughout history. Numerous advantages of cupping include the elimination of pollutants from the blood. According to studies, cupping is effective in treating joint pain, reproductive issues, and migraines.

This can be used as a stress-reduction technique to help someone get rid of negative thoughts that are interfering with their ability to carry out their everyday tasks.

"If there is any cure in your medications, it is in cupping, gulping down some honey, or branding with fire (cauterization) that suits the condition," the Prophet stated. "But I don't like to be (cauterized) branded with fire." [Bukhari]

10. Wudu Sunnah Before Bedding:

To maintain the condition of purity when sleeping, wudhu is prescribed. Our souls ascend to Allah's throne when we are asleep, and if we are in a condition of wudhu, our souls will be permitted to offer Sajdah to Allah SWT. It also shields us from having nightmares or terrible dreams.

The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) narrated when u lie on your bed u should say,

Oh Allah I submit to You, give You complete control of my affairs, and I hope for and fear You as I rely on You for Your blessings. There is no running away from You, and there is no other refuge of shelter and protection besides You, O Allah! I have faith in both the Qur'an, which You have revealed, and in Muhammad, Your Prophet, whom You have sent.

Consequently, if you pass away that same night, you will do so in faith (i.e. or the religion of Islam) (247 Sahih Al-Bukhari)