
The Day of Judgment

All of the human beings will be bring back to their indigenous physical form on the resurrection day. On Earth, anything that Allah created will come

All of the human beings will be bring back to their indigenous physical form on the resurrection day. On Earth, anything that Allah created will come to an end finally. Each person, will be raised from the deceased and deemed according to their deeds. The "Day of Judgment" is this day.

O humanity! If you have any doubts about the resurrection, then remember that We made you out of dust, after that of a drop, then of a clot, and finally of a flesh lump that was shaped and unshaped so that We could explain it to you, and then after causing whatever We choose to stay in the mother ’s womb for a predetermined amount of time, We brought you out as new-born, at which time you reach your full strength.

And even among each other, there are those who pass away early and those who are sent back in time to the lowest point in life, where they are left with no understanding. And although the earth appears to be arid, when We have sent water down upon it, it trembles, surges, and sprouts every kind of delightful growth.

This is due to the fact that Allah is Real, He is the one who bring the dead ones to life, the one Who has control all things, the day of Judgment will come, and Allah will raise those who are buried alive. (22:5-7)

Allah Declares in Regards to the Day of Judgment.

He will grant eternal life to the deceased and that He will record everything they send in advance and leave behind. We have taken into account of everything in a clear Book [of evidence]. (36:12)

All of a soul's deeds will be reward in full, and He is the only one who truly knows what they have done. (39:70)

In the holy Quran there are almost 1,200 verses that discuss the Day of Resurrection and life after death. In addition, there are a great deal of other traditions attributed to the Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and the Twelve Imams. This point emphasizes that humans life do not end at death but rather continues on toward a new life and highlights the importance of life after death. This life is known as the "true life" in the Quran.

Islam holds that a person's judgment will be based on the deeds of his or her life. People who primarily do good actions and deeds in the life will go to Paradise. But if one's actions or deeds are primarily evil, they will send them to Hell or Fire. Everyone will be aware of their fellow human beings' fate on the Day of Judgment.

There are various levels in both Heaven and Hell. The lowest reaches of Hell will house the worst of people, while the highest reaches of Heaven will house the best of people.

Life After Death.

Humanity had been given a glance of what happens when we die and what happens after we die through religious doctrine. Some of the mysteries relating to the soul are revealed in the Quran:

''When someone passes away, including those who do not pass away while they are asleep, Allah is the one who takes their souls away. He keeps those whose deaths He has decreed and sends the others to an appointed place and time. Indeed, there are clues for deep thinkers in this.'' (39:42)

And they inquire about the spirit. 

"The spirit is one of the things that only my Allah knows, and of knowledge, which you have been given is only a little one.’’ (17:85)

''And they question you about the spirit. The spirit is the things that only my Lord knows, and you people have only been given a small amount of knowledge.'' (17:85)

The soul's transition out of this world will be peaceful for believers:

"O you in full satisfaction and rest, return to your Allah well-pleasing to Him and pleasant to yourself, it will be said to the pious. Go ahead and enter my paradise among my esteemed servants.'' (89:27-30)

According to the Quran, a person who is about to pass away will become aware of it. The soul's separation will cause excruciating pain for those who are headed to Hell. In the Quran, the time of death is narrated as follows:

''Nay! Who can heal him and keep him from dying? will be asked when the soul reaches the collarbone. The person who is dying will come to the conclusion that the time has come to depart and that he is cloaked; on that day, he will drive to your Allah.'' (75:26-30)

When a person reaches puberty, two recording angels, one seated on the right and one on the left, receive him and observe his behavior. He says nothing, but a witness is sitting next to him, recording it. The death coma will actually arrive; this is what you have been trying to avoid.

Then the trumpet will sound; that is the day on which the warning was given, and everyone will emerge accompanied by an angel to drive them and an angel to testify. The sinners will be told, 

"Truly, you were careless of this. Now that We have taken off your covering, your sight is sharp today. (50:17-22)

The souls of the deceased will go to the grave with their bodies when they are buried. Two angels will then question the soul therein regarding their whole life deeds, faith and actions. Then, the soul will stay in the grave with the body. The soul will live until the Day of Judgment even though the body will die.

Islam holds that before the Judgment Day, people's souls will spend their final moments in Heaven or Hell or in comfort while still in their graves. This residence is known as barzakh. Barzakh's way of life can be compared to a miniature version of either heaven or hell. Whether a person has a bad or good faith will conclude whether barzakh is pleasant or unpleasant.

Forgiveness and Repentance.

The best way to show regret for committing a sin is through repentance, which is the act of giving up that sin. It entails deeply repenting of a specific sin and making a commitment never to repeat it. The foundation and path to success is repentance. O Believers, turn to Allah, , that you can prosper, the Quran commands (24:31). Whatever the severity of a sin of the person is, forgiveness of Allah is much more greater. Anyone who chooses to turn to Allah in repentance should not feel ashamed. Anyone's sins can be forgiven by Allah if He so chooses.


"O My servants those who have erred against their selves, doesn’t hopeless of the mercy of Allah surely Allah absolves all sins," according to the Quran. He truly is the Merciful and Forgiving One. (39:53)

Tell My believers that I am the Merciful and Forgiving One. (15:49)

Will they not seek Allah's forgiveness and do so? Allah is the Merciful and Forgiving. (5:74)

Despite human wrongdoing, your Lord is a God of forgiveness. (13:6)

God is capable of annihilating humanity (if He chose to), but His primary qualities are forgiveness and mercy. Because of this, Muslims almost always start out by saying, "In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Repentance provides security for the afterlife as well as benefits today. According to the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, repentance results in an increase in protection from harm, wealth and a lessening of difficulties and hardships. It has also said that confessing one's sins to God and being humble in front of Him is the surest way to draw near to God. Repentance has clear advantages for the afterlife, including entry into Paradise and protection from the flames of Hell.

Even at the point of death, repentance will be accepted. According to the Prophet Muhammad, if someone seeks forgiveness a year before passing away, God will accept that apology. God will accept repentance even if it is offered the day before someone passes away. The Prophet then said, pointing to his throat, that God would accept repentance even from those who seek it before their souls arrive at this point.

However, the Islamic tradition has repeatedly emphasized that repentance should be carried out as soon as possible and should not be postponed. How many people put off making amends and performing good deeds until they are about to die, said Imam Ali. 

Repentance Ought to be Performed in Secret and Privately.

Without the need for a mediator, individuals seeking repentance can establish a direct connection with Allah. If someone sins, they shouldn't reveal the sin to other people. The Hazrat Muhammad once remarked to Imam Ali. 

"O Ali, adored is he whom Allah looks upon while he is weeping for the sin that none is aware of except Allah," 

Since God values people who sincerely repent of their sins, the regretted sin will be treated as if it was never been carry out.