
What are 3 Major Events in Life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)?

Islam's last Prophet, Muhammad (S.A.W), is also referred to as the Prophets' Seal. Accordingly, Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last Prophet of A

The Prophet Muhammad's Life

Islam's last Prophet, Muhammad (S.A.W), is also referred to as the Prophets' Seal. Accordingly, Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last Prophet of Allah, and the Qur'an is a compilation of the revelations that Allah gave to Muhammad (S.A.W) through the angel Jibril. Islam holds that there won't be any more prophets after him.

3 Major Events in Life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Below are given the following three major events in life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

1  1. Khadija Bint Khuwaylid's Marriage to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Khadijah witnessed a level of honesty from her dealer and favors with her money she had never seen before when the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) returned to Mecca. Additionally, her servant Maysarah described to her what he had observed of the Prophet Muhammad's lofty and virtuous traits, as well as his magnanimous generosity and logical reasoning. She consequently began to consider getting married to the Prophet Muhammad. She shared this information with her friend Nafeesah bint Maniyyah, who subsequently approached Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to discuss Khadijah's potential marriage (may Allah be pleased with her). This was approved by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

After speaking with his uncle, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went to see Khadijah's father. Her father granted his daughter's engagement to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), and they later wed. Two months after the Prophet Muhammad's return from Sham, Bani Hashim and its Mudar-area leaders attended the wedding. A herd of twenty young female camels made up Khadijah's dowry. When Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) wed Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), she was forty years old (peace be upon him).

Of all the women in her tribe at the time, she was the richest, smartest, and most nobly bred. She was the only woman Prophet Muhammad (Peace be with him) ever wed, and he never wed another lady while she was alive.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was referred to as Abu Al-Qasim as a result of Khadijah's birth of Al-Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayah, Um Kalsoom, Fatima, and Abdullah. His boys all passed away when they were little.

But since all of his daughters were still living when Islam emerged, they all converted to the religion and moved to Medina. Except for Fatima, they all passed away while Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was still alive. Following the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by six months, Fatima eventually joined him.

2. The Mir'aj Incident (Ascention).

Jibrael (A.S) was sent down by Allah SWT and taken on a voyage of mir'aj (meaning ladder) on a flying horse named Buraq, ten years after the first revelation, in 620 A.D., when Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was asleep.

Exalted is He who brought His Servant by night from the Masjid al-Haram to the holy al-Masjid al-Aqsa in order to demonstrate Our signs to him. He is, in fact, the Hearing and the Seeing. [Quran, 17:1]

All the earlier Prophets were there when He was first brought to a mosque in Jerusalem, where He oversaw a congregation. Jibrael gave Him the option of two drinks wine or milk and he selected the former. Then he embarked on a journey to the skies, where He once more greeted Prophets who were present on various heavenly levels. Finally, He was commanded to offer 50 prayers a day when He saw Allah, the Exalted, but Prophet Moses (A.S.) repeatedly counselled Him to ask The Gracious Lord to lower them until they were lowered to 5 prayers a day. This incident demonstrates the importance of the second pillar of Islam, congregational prayers, as well as the kindness and compassion of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) toward His people.

    3. Permission of Allah, the Almighty, for Migration

The Prophet went to his friend Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A.) and informed him that God had given them permission to move from Makkah to Madinah. The Makkans had a comprehensive propaganda campaign planned against Muslims and the Holy Prophet. On the other hand, these people were also aware of the honour, sincerity, and reliability of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). However, they were persuaded to plan an attack on him. Thus, it was agreed that everyone from Makkah would move to Madinah.

a)      a). Arranged Murder.

Before morning, the entire population of Makkah encircled the home of the Holy Prophet and made up their minds to kill him. The Prophet had a revelation from Allah Almighty that he should depart Makkah at night. He realized what was going to happen as a result of this revelation, so he made the decision to leave his beloved country and move to Madinah.

b      b). Self-Sacrifice of Imam Ali (A.S).

Prophet told Imam Ali (A.S) about the revelation and asked him to stay in bed with him as he fled. Despite the fact that Imam Ali's (A.S) life was in danger, he did not hesitate to perform this favour for his beloved Prophet and he was overjoyed to do so. On the eve of Prophet Muhammad's hijrat, according to Imam Ali (A.S.), he slept the best.

Because the Prophet had the support of Allah Almighty, fleeing was not difficult for him. That evening when he left his home, he flung some sand towards the men who were ready to murder him. While Prophet was travelling away from Makkah, Imam Ali (A.S) was asleep on the bed.

When dawn arrived, the individuals who were prepared to kill the Prophet kept waiting for him to leave the home so that they could pray, but their efforts were in futile since no one did. They hurried inside the home because they were weary of waiting and discovered Imam Ali (A.S.) inside. They inquired about the Prophet, upset and enraged, and Imam Ali (A.S) said that he had left the city when you were planning to deport him.

c       c). Ghar-e-Suhr.

On the route, he crossed paths with Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A). Together, they arrived at Ghar-e-Suhr and settled there. They spent three days and nights inside the cave. The son of Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A.) provided food, and Imam Ali (A.S.) paid them a visit one night. The Prophet gave Imam Ali (A.S) the order to repay every loan and give the Makkan's all of their possessions.

After resolving this, everyone prepared to move to Madinah. They only used foot to get about. The residents of Madinah eagerly anticipated the arrival of the Prophet and gave the migrant workers a warm welcome.

Muhammad is believed to have had a personality that made it possible for him to win people over to his faith in God by clearly communicating his message. Muslims put their faith in Muhammad's leadership in both spiritual and material affairs because they think he possessed the traits of a successful leader. As a result of the Hadith's inclusion of the Prophet's sayings and teachings, Muslims today continue to regard it as authoritative.